Okay, we all overdid it at the table. I could not resist three desserts, chocolate pie, pecan pie, and fresh apple cake. So what now? How do we keep the true spirit of thanksgiving going? Here are a few post thanksgiving suggestions:
- Get out and walk! You will feel better and see things you will not see by sitting on the couch.
- As you walk pray for your neighbors.
- Thanksgiving only ends when we stop giving thanks to the Lord so don’t stop. Write out your list of thanks and keep it in your Bible.
- Call that person you meant to check on at Thanksgiving but you got too busy thinking about turkey and all the fixings and you forgot. Maybe someone who has been a blessing in your life. I called two people on Thanksgiving day to say “thanks.” One person gave me a monetary gift while I was in college that allowed me to pay my tuition and an 82 year old pastor who has been a mentor to me over the years.
- Spend some extra time (is it ever extra?) in prayer today thanking the Lord for the people who are part of your life…family, brothers and sisters in Christ, work associates, neighbors.
- Write an encouraging card to someone you have not seen for some time but you know they are facing some challenges and need some encouragement.
- Volunteer to help your church put up Christmas decorations or an elderly neighbor who might need some help.
- Decide not be anxious or worried which are the two emotions that rob us of being thankful. Philippians 4:6 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” NIV
- Memorize Psalms 100. Only five verses but it will help you keep focused on praising the Lord all year.
- Christmas is around the corner and with it most of us give toward the Lottie Moon Christmas offering for our international mission board in supporting over 5,000 missionaries serving around the world. Pray as a family asking the Lord to reveal to you what you should give this year. The minimum would be giving at least the amount you spend on a family member at Christmas.
Keep the Son in Your Eyes,
Mike James