Tag: membership
The Stats Are In
The stats are in. We can choose to ignore them, bury our heads in the sand, or see reality and move forward. The 2010 Annual Church Profile showed dips in baptisms, total church membership, worship attendance and participation in Sunday school and other Christian education programs. Declines were also reported…
The VELCRO Principle, Part 2
Give Them A Place to Serve
C.L.O.S.I.N.G. the Back Door
Tomorrow evening, some of my buddies and I are kicking off an eight-stop assimilation tour across the state of Kentucky. The tour spreads through March – May of this year. Joining me on the tour will be Darryl Wilson from The Sunday School Revolutionary along with our Kentucky Baptist Strategists, Glen Cummins, Mike James,…
The Stats Are In

The stats are in. We can choose to ignore them, bury our heads in the sand, or see reality and move forward. The 2010 Annual Church Profile showed dips in baptisms, total church membership, worship attendance and participation in Sunday school and other Christian education programs. Declines were also reported…
The VELCRO Principle, Part 2
Give Them A Place to Serve
C.L.O.S.I.N.G. the Back Door

Tomorrow evening, some of my buddies and I are kicking off an eight-stop assimilation tour across the state of Kentucky. The tour spreads through March – May of this year. Joining me on the tour will be Darryl Wilson from The Sunday School Revolutionary along with our Kentucky Baptist Strategists, Glen Cummins, Mike James,…