Tag: gospel
Discipleship Impacted by the Power of the Gospel
While attending the National Disciple Making Forum earlier this month, I attended a breakout session entitled, “How to Use the Power of the Gospel Daily to Bring Transformation in Discipleship” led by Monte Starkes and Charles Hooper of Perimeter Church in Atlanta. They recommended what they called the Gospel three-step…
Patriotism or Gospel?
We’ve just finished July 4 celebrations across the country. People in our neighborhood are still shooting fireworks. Pastors and church leaders walk a thin line when it comes to how much time and emphasis we give to celebrating and incorporating patriotic music or symbols into worship services. Churches must maintain…
Discipleship Impacted by the Power of the Gospel

While attending the National Disciple Making Forum earlier this month, I attended a breakout session entitled, “How to Use the Power of the Gospel Daily to Bring Transformation in Discipleship” led by Monte Starkes and Charles Hooper of Perimeter Church in Atlanta. They recommended what they called the Gospel three-step…
Patriotism or Gospel?

We’ve just finished July 4 celebrations across the country. People in our neighborhood are still shooting fireworks. Pastors and church leaders walk a thin line when it comes to how much time and emphasis we give to celebrating and incorporating patriotic music or symbols into worship services. Churches must maintain…