Are you discipling others? Do you have an outlet for what God is teaching you? If you do, I believe you will grow more as a disciple. Jesus expects us to make disciples.
Is it acceptable for all Christians to believe what they want to believe? Of course not. Paul addressed many incorrect beliefs and practices in his letters. Syncretism (mixing of differing beliefs and practices) was alive in biblical days as it is today. This is a place where creeds can be…
God is at work in our world. When our Lord Jesus Christ returned to the right hand of the Father, He sent the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is stirring and drawing people to Him. So when we pray, we pray knowing that we are not alone. We pray not about…
Today I am reviewing a book that had a strong impact on my paradigm for disciple-making and Sunday School. The book is T4T: A Discipleship ReRevolution by Steve Smith and Ying Kai. The book is about evangelism, disciple-making, and church planting. My review reminded me how frequently we try to…
Two encounters are critical. First, the leader encounters God in His Word and is changed. Second, the leader guides the group to have a life-changing encounter.
In John 13:34-35, three times Jesus said, “Love one another.” Your group is the ideal place to practice and launch the kind of love for one another that shows the world that we are His disciples.