August 16
Immanuel Baptist Church, Lexington
August 23
St. Matthews Baptist Church, Louisville
September 6
First Baptist Church, Somerset
September 6
Lone Oak First Baptist Church, Paducah
September 13
First Baptist Church, Pikeville
September 13
First Baptist Church, Bowling Green
Practical Training for Kentucky Baptists
Designed to equip Kentucky Baptists for a variety of ministries, Super Saturdays are among the KBC’s most comprehensive and highest attended training events. Practical training is available in over 20 focus areas, and participants from churches of all sizes will benefit from courses taught at each event. Make plans now to join us for a Super Saturday at a location near you!
Discover the possibilities for your ministry:
Assimilation, Baptist Men, Church Architecture, Deacon Ministry, Discipleship, Evangelism, Finance, Hispanic Ministry, Leadership, Ministers’ Wives, Pastors/Staff/DOMs, Prayer, Preschool/Children, Secretaries, Single Adult Ministry, Small Groups, Stewardship, Students (Teen Track), Sunday School, Women’s Ministry, Worship & Music, WMU Directors, and Youth Ministry
New This Year:
Comeback Churches Track and Safe Church Initiative Courses
$30 per person or $20 Early Bird Special.
Early Bird registrations for the August 16 & 23 and September 13 events are due by the Monday before each event to qualify for the discount. Early Bird registrations for the September 6 events are due by Tuesday, September 2, to qualify for the discount.
For more information contact: 502.489.3572 or 866.489.3572 (toll free in KY) or e-mail [email protected].
Please note: This rate covers only a portion of the cost of this training; additional funding provided by the Cooperative Program.
Extended Teaching Care
Childcare is available for children ages 6 weeks – upcoming 5th graders. We regret that we are unable to provide care for special needs children.
ETC Fees: $10 per child, $25 family maximum
Advance registration is required. For more information, call 502-489-3575 or 866-489-3575 (toll free in KY).