Today, I say hello as the new writer of this blog. Let me briefly share who I am. My role at the KBC is South Central Strategist & Discipleship/Assimilation Coordinator. Okay, it is a long, long title, but frankly I’m not into titles and you probably aren’t either. Simply put, I am here to help churches in any way possible…discipleship, training, strategy, outreach, assimilation, visioning, etc. My two esteemed colleagues, Steve Rice and Alan Witham, previously had these roles and I am thankful to follow two men who both built strong foundations in the areas they were assigned. Steve is a blogging dynamo. His last blog was entitled, “Farewell,” so I would like to say “Hello/Welcome.”
I hope to throw out some thoughts, ideas, questions, proverbial sayings, resources…well you get the picture. Since the name of this blog site depicts what we are all about, let me say a few words on the “two words” that describes the very essence of what Jesus wants us to do as His followers. Right in the middle of the Great Commission, Matthew 28:19 contains these two important, life changing, soul rocking, direction changing words…here they are… “make disciples.”
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” Matthew 28:19
You Greek scholars know that the verb translated “go” is actually not a command but a present participle (going). The only command in the Great Commission is… “make disciples.” So in our daily routine and contacts, chatting with friends on Facebook, paying our bills, making cell calls, buying our gas, picking up the kids from school; we are to “make disciples.”
We don’t usually use the term “disciples” to describe believers today but it was the most popular name for the first followers of Christ. A disciple is more than just a convert or a church member or a “here I am (at least sometimes) on Sunday morning” type of person. We may relate more to the term “Apprentice.” This describes a person who attaches himself to a teacher. They learn all they can from the teacher not just by listening but also by actually doing. If we are to be doers of the word and not mere hearers only (James 1:22) we must be focused like a laser on these two words, “make disciples.” Why? Because Jesus commanded it and made it His top assignment for us.
In 35 years plus ministry I have discovered that churches who take these two words of Jesus seriously make an impact; those who don’t find themselves on cruise control and usually run out of gas. So let me ask you…is your church really focused on making disciples? Do you have a process/plan? Are you focused on making disciples? Over the last two months have you attempted mentoring anyone?
Remember…The call to become a disciple inherently has with in it the call to make disciples. So…Let’s get busy.
Mike, welcome to the world of blogging. We are glad to have you as part of the KBC team. Great first post! Looking forward to many more!
Thanks Bob,
We must do a better job at assimilation and connecting people in the church. It takes a heart for the Lord first and then a heart for people. After that each church needs to come up with a process or plan to follow through on all guests as well as new members. Mike James
Welcome to the blogging world Dr. James. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and insight.
We “church folk” are a peculiar sort aren’t we? New mom’s and dad’s take little ones home and love and care for them, and start the process in getting them ready for the world. The church hasn’t done quite as good a job. It is a blessing to see someone become a new creation in Christ but we seem to forget they are a babe who needs nurturing. They need the rest of us to mentor them and help prepare them for the world.
I am quite confident you will help churches do this very thing in your new assignment. Praying for you as you embark on this great journey.