Discipleship mentors understand that God disbursed gifts, abilities, passions, experiences, and personalities among believers. He wants to use them to build up the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12) and mobilize the body to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20).
No two believers are alike–even twins. That means that each believer has a unique discipleship contribution to make, and that contribution is essential to God’s plan and purposes.
Discipleship Mentors Mindset
Many believers have mindset obstacles to overcome. Some believe they cannot disciple others because they were never discipled while others believe they have to know everything and have had all experiences–good and bad. Still others believe the commitment will take too much time.
Sometimes obstacles are there because of unconfessed sin and lack of self-confidence. When we consider what Christ did for us and confess, those obstacles fall away. We desire and discover ways to express our love for Him by serving in any way possible.
Mentor in Specific Ways
Discipleship mentors do not have to invest in one person in every way from the moment we begin until they die. For many, hearing that statement is a relief. I encourage you to find the specific way(s) you and others can invest. Consider some options:
- help a new believer begin to grow in their walk with Christ
- develop Bible study skills or memorize scripture
- focus on one or more spiritual disciplines
- teach him/her to share the faith
- help him/her to find a place of service in the church or world
- discover and utilize spiritual gifts
- overcome sins and habits
- pray together
- journal
- develop a Christian worldview
- and much more.
These specific options may help a disciple in one session, four sessions, six months, or a couple of years. They may be daily, weekly, monthly, or irregularly scheduled. They may be delivered one-on-one, a D-group of 2-4, or a small group.
Mentoring will flow naturally from passion and experience. As a result, it will be more conversational, nurturing, and coaching in nature. Use the journey that God has given you and help disciples grow wherever they are on their journey. Be a disciple and make disciples!
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash