The Discipleship Network of Kentucky and I invite you to a Discipleship Deep Dive on Tuesday, May 10, at 7:00 PM, Eastern time. This virtual event features training from author and ministry coach, Chris Surratt. The focus will be on improving discipleship in our churches.
Deep Dive
Following the large group time with Surratt, smaller groups led by discipleship coaches will help you dive deeper into practical applications for your ministries. Pastors, discipleship pastors and leaders, and Sunday School and small group leaders are encouraged to attend.
Who Is Chris Surratt?
This virtual event will have no cost but will require registration. You will receive a Zoom link for the Discipleship Deep Dive after you register. Here is the the registration link for this exciting event: https://kentuckybaptist-CCR.regfox.com/discipleship-deep-dive.