Category: Uncategorized
Leaders Have Vision
Patriotism or Gospel?
We’ve just finished July 4 celebrations across the country. People in our neighborhood are still shooting fireworks. Pastors and church leaders walk a thin line when it comes to how much time and emphasis we give to celebrating and incorporating patriotic music or symbols into worship services. Churches must maintain…
Could It Be?
The Stats Are In
The stats are in. We can choose to ignore them, bury our heads in the sand, or see reality and move forward. The 2010 Annual Church Profile showed dips in baptisms, total church membership, worship attendance and participation in Sunday school and other Christian education programs. Declines were also reported…
Rainer’s Ten Warning Signs
Four Disciple-Making Steps
Step 1. Refine Your Vision/Dream/Goal Every church needs a clear vision for disciple-making. Your vision needs to be articulated and shared. What’s your vision/dream/goal for making disciples in your church? God gives us His vision as we spend time with Him and His Word. Wise leaders plan times to be…
Six Mega Shifts, Part 6
Something is happening across the cultural landscape in our country and these six changes should wake us up. Barna analyzed insights drawn from more than 5,000 non-proprietary interviews conducted over 11 months. 1. The Christian Church is becoming less theologically literate. 2. Christians are becoming more ingrown and less outreach-oriented.…
Six Mega Shifts, Part 2
Ten Growth Principles of Healthy Churches, Part 2
Leaders Have Vision
Patriotism or Gospel?

We’ve just finished July 4 celebrations across the country. People in our neighborhood are still shooting fireworks. Pastors and church leaders walk a thin line when it comes to how much time and emphasis we give to celebrating and incorporating patriotic music or symbols into worship services. Churches must maintain…
Could It Be?
The Stats Are In

The stats are in. We can choose to ignore them, bury our heads in the sand, or see reality and move forward. The 2010 Annual Church Profile showed dips in baptisms, total church membership, worship attendance and participation in Sunday school and other Christian education programs. Declines were also reported…
Rainer’s Ten Warning Signs
Four Disciple-Making Steps

Step 1. Refine Your Vision/Dream/Goal Every church needs a clear vision for disciple-making. Your vision needs to be articulated and shared. What’s your vision/dream/goal for making disciples in your church? God gives us His vision as we spend time with Him and His Word. Wise leaders plan times to be…
Six Mega Shifts, Part 6

Something is happening across the cultural landscape in our country and these six changes should wake us up. Barna analyzed insights drawn from more than 5,000 non-proprietary interviews conducted over 11 months. 1. The Christian Church is becoming less theologically literate. 2. Christians are becoming more ingrown and less outreach-oriented.…