The Jesus Jacket

I read an interesting yet disturbing article recently on intergeneration connections and the involvement of teens after they graduate from high school. The article was written by Kara Powell and it was called, “Faith that Sticks.” Studies suggest that approximately 40 to 50 percent of our students who are part of…

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The Leadership Factor

We’ve all heard the quote, “Everything rises or falls on leadership.” We know that it is the Spirit of the Lord in us that provides the energy and guidance to lead, but the fact is… God is still using people to accomplish His purposes. He uses godly leaders. Churches that…

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Five Ways to Make Disciples, Part 4

One of the most effective, powerful, and efficient ways to make disciples is “one on one.” This method of discipleship is also called Mentoring, Life Coaching, or Spiritual Coaching. There is awesome power in “one on one” discipleship relationships because they transform lives. My own life has been impacted by…

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Church Vitality Components

Audrey Barrick writing for the Christian Post reported an interesting new study by the United Methodist Church on what makes some churches healthy. Here are the key findings in that study. Churches with a high number of small groups, effective lay leadership, faithful pastors, and both traditional and contemporary services…

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Is Church Attendance Up?

Religion News Service reports that a new Gallup Poll found that Americans’ self-reported church attendance has increased slightly since 2008. When asked “How often do you attend church, synagogue, or mosque?” 43.1 percent of Americans in 2010 said they attended church “at least once a week” or “almost every week.”…

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Spiritual Growth Myths, Part 2

How do we grow our members from converts to disciples?  How do we lead our churches in the process of growing disciples? In the first part we said that this process is not automatic. If we don’t have a discipleship process/plan in place we are presuming that it will just…

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