Tag: small groups
Accountability and Relationships in Discipleship
DiscipleShift 1 Is Coming to Kentucky
DiscipleShift 1 is coming to Eastside Community Church, in Richmond, Kentucky, on January 17-18, 2018! You are invited. This will be a two-day experience of learning and living out Jesus’ method of disciple-making through interaction with a facilitation team and small group. You will receive tips and tools to equip you…
Small Groups: Delivery Tool Rather Than Destination
I believe in Sunday School classes and small groups. They can be great tools for assisting the church in discipling and shepherding the sheep God has entrusted to us. Sometimes, however, our methods for reaching, caring, and discipling are poor. Teachers and group leaders can be lazy, apathetic, or untrained.…
Six Mega Shifts, Part 1
Ten Growth Principles of Healthy Churches, Part 3
Five Ways to Make Disciples, Part 2
Church Vitality Components
Audrey Barrick writing for the Christian Post reported an interesting new study by the United Methodist Church on what makes some churches healthy. Here are the key findings in that study. Churches with a high number of small groups, effective lay leadership, faithful pastors, and both traditional and contemporary services…
Discipleship Retro
The VELCRO Principle, Part 3
Accountability and Relationships in Discipleship
DiscipleShift 1 Is Coming to Kentucky

DiscipleShift 1 is coming to Eastside Community Church, in Richmond, Kentucky, on January 17-18, 2018! You are invited. This will be a two-day experience of learning and living out Jesus’ method of disciple-making through interaction with a facilitation team and small group. You will receive tips and tools to equip you…
Small Groups: Delivery Tool Rather Than Destination

I believe in Sunday School classes and small groups. They can be great tools for assisting the church in discipling and shepherding the sheep God has entrusted to us. Sometimes, however, our methods for reaching, caring, and discipling are poor. Teachers and group leaders can be lazy, apathetic, or untrained.…
Six Mega Shifts, Part 1
Ten Growth Principles of Healthy Churches, Part 3
Five Ways to Make Disciples, Part 2
Church Vitality Components

Audrey Barrick writing for the Christian Post reported an interesting new study by the United Methodist Church on what makes some churches healthy. Here are the key findings in that study. Churches with a high number of small groups, effective lay leadership, faithful pastors, and both traditional and contemporary services…