How to Build Relationships, Part 2

“Jesus, the apostles, the Bible — all indicate by word or deed that our focus is to be on people, through meaningful relationships.” George Barna In How to Build Relationships, Part 1 we touched on three practical relationship-building tips. In addition to these three tips, here are some additional tips…

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Marks of an Assimilated Person

How can we know when a person is properly assimilated into a church? How does an assimilated person look? How does he act? What does he do? Charles and Win Arn provide the following helpful list called, Nine Marks of an Assimilated Person: Identifies with the goals of the church.…

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Relationships = Glue

The importance of helping members develop friendships within a church cannot be overemphasized. Relationships are the glue that keep people connected to a church. Naturally, friendships are important in obtaining new members, but they are the key to retaining them. One pastor took a survey in his church. When he…

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