Five Ways to Make Disciples, Part 3

We’ve looked at “platform discipleship” or the process of preaching and teaching by the pastor and the Sunday School making disciples. Let’s now look at probably the most popular layer of discipleship in a local church. Discipleship Classes/ Small Groups This is also called “program discipleship” and is where most…

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Five Ways to Make Disciples, Part 2

This is the second of our five part series on making disciples. The most overlooked opportunity to enhance disciple making in a local church is through the Sunday School! For this to happen Sunday School teachers and leaders must see their role as not just “teaching the Bible” but “making…

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Five Ways to Make Disciples, Part 1

This series of blogs will examine five levels or methods of discipleship that should and can be happening in every church. I welcome your feedback and ideas. Let me know how you are making disciples in your church. The first level we will examine is the Pastor’s (Staff) Discipleship Ministry.…

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A Different Kind of Leadership

In their book on the emerging church, Eddie Gibbs and Ryan K. Bolger identify a new understanding of leadership that characterizes this new church movement. What can we learn from this list and do you resonate with some of these ideas? I would love to hear back from you. •…

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Good News, Bad News

Today I have good news and bad news. Reminds me of the defense attorney who said those same words to his client… “First the bad news… Your blood test came back, and your DNA is an exact match with that found at the crime scene.” “Oh, no!” cried the client.…

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Nine Money Tips

Mary Hunt is a gifted teacher and writer in the field of Christian money management. I have several of her books. Part of being a disciple is how we handle our possessions without our possessions handling us. God has given each of us resources that are meant to be used…

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Disciples and Doubt

The Great Commission text in Matthew 28:16-20 is very familiar to most of us. We have quoted it, preached it, and taught it numerous times. We must be careful with Scripture that is most familiar lest we overlook some truth that has escaped our notice. Matthew 28:17 is one of…

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Atheists Know More Bible?

A recent report that I saw on the CBS evening news and heard on the radio says atheists know more, on average, about the Bible than those who claim to be Christians! A Pew Research survey asking questions about religious history, scripture and religion’s role in public life revealed that…

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Church Vitality Components

Audrey Barrick writing for the Christian Post reported an interesting new study by the United Methodist Church on what makes some churches healthy. Here are the key findings in that study. Churches with a high number of small groups, effective lay leadership, faithful pastors, and both traditional and contemporary services…

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Discipleship Retro

Have you noticed how many things have gone retro… clothes, cars, furniture, appliances.  Vinyl records are making a comeback.   I wish I had kept my leisure suits because I am sure they will return soon! Maybe even my bell bottom pants I wore in college.  Some are nostalgic and want…

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