Can You Make a Disciple of One Person?

Jesus passes the torch to the Apostles and to us today in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20):

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:19-20, ESV)

How can we carry out this command? How can we “make disciples of ALL NATIONS” (emphasis added). I want to suggest an overly simple answer:


Every one matters. Every life matters. You can make a difference with one. Who is your one? Pray. When will you start? Pray. Where will you start? What will you do with that one to help him/her become and grow as a disciple? Pray.

  • PRAY TOGETHER. Don’t just talk about prayer. Do it. Model it. Pray together. Teach others about prayer.
  • STUDY TOGETHER. Open God’s Word. Listen together to what God is saying. Seek to understand what He wants. Seek to determine how to be obedient. Encourage one another to keep your commitments. Teach others about God and His Word.
  • SERVE/CARE TOGETHER. Help him/her to discover spiritual gifts, personality, abilities, and passions that God desires to use in the church, community, and world. Then prayerfully determine where to serve. Then serve together. Then teach others to do the same.
  • SHARE TOGETHER. Help him/her look around. Who are friends, relatives, associates, and neighbors who need to know about Jesus and what He is doing in your lives? Look for teachable/shareable moments. Look for stresses and needs with which you may help and support. Determine what to say and what to give, and then do so together. Then teach others to do the same.

If you a make disciple of one person, and the two of you each make a disciple of one person, and the four of you each make a disciple of one person, it won’t be too many “generations” of disciples making disciples until we can see the reality of “making disciples of all nations.” Do your part: one disciple at a time.

For more ideas for making disciples, check out these blog posts:

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